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File: ../src/viewcollection.js

], function(_, Collection, ViewModel) {
   * A representation of a data collection, which has been
   * reshaped into a form expected by a view.
   * @class aeris.ViewCollection
   * @extends aeris.Collection
   * @constructor
   * @override
  var ViewCollection = function(opt_models, opt_options) {
    var isDataCollectionProvided = opt_options &&;
    var options = _.defaults(opt_options || {}, {
      data: new Collection(),
      model: ViewModel,
      modelOptions: {}

    // Pass attributeTransforms down to the model.
    if (options.attributeTransforms) {
      options.modelOptions.attributeTransforms = options.attributeTransforms;

     * Data collection.
     * @type {aeris.Collection}
     * @private
     * @property data_
    this.data_ =;

     * A cache of created view model instances,
     * referenced by their associated data model cid.
     * @type {Object.<string,aeris.ViewModel>}
     * @private
     * @property viewModelLookup_
    this.viewModelLookup_ = {};, opt_models, options);

     * The bound data collection has made an API request.
     * @event data:request
     * @param {aeris.ViewCollection} viewCollection
     * @param {aeris.Promise} promiseToSync Resolves with raw API response data.
     * The data API has responded to a request, and the view collection's
     * bound data object has been updated with fetched data.
     * @event data:sync
     * @param {aeris.ViewCollection} viewCollection
     * @param {Object} responseData Raw API response data.


    // If no data collection is specified in ctor,
    // do not touch our models.
    if (isDataCollectionProvided) {
  _.inherits(ViewCollection, Collection);

   * @method bindToDataCollection_
   * @private
  ViewCollection.prototype.bindToDataCollection_ = function() {
    this.listenTo(this.data_, {
      add: this.addViewModel_,
      remove: this.removeViewModel_,
      reset: this.updateModelsFromData_


   * @method proxyDataSyncEvents_
   * @private
  ViewCollection.prototype.proxyDataSyncEvents_ = function() {
    this.listenTo(this.data_, {
      request: function(dataObj, promiseToSync, requestOptions) {
        this.trigger('data:request', this, promiseToSync);
      sync: function(dataObj, responseData, requestOptions) {
        this.trigger('data:sync', this, responseData);

   * Add a view model.
   * @param {aeris.Model} dataModel The data model to associate with the view model.
   * @private
   * @method addViewModel_
  ViewCollection.prototype.addViewModel_ = function(dataModel) {
    var viewModel = this.createViewModel_(dataModel);

    this.viewModelLookup_[dataModel.cid] = viewModel;


   * Remove a view model.
   * @param {aeris.Model} dataModel The associated data model.
   * @private
   * @method removeViewModel_
  ViewCollection.prototype.removeViewModel_ = function(dataModel) {
    var viewModel = this.viewModelLookup_[dataModel.cid];

    // No ViewModel is associated with
    // this data model.
    if (!viewModel) {

    // Remove the view model
    delete this.viewModelLookup_[dataModel.cid];

   * Reset view models, to sync up
   * with our data model.
   * @private
   * @method updateModelsFromData_
  ViewCollection.prototype.updateModelsFromData_ = function() {
    var viewModels = [];

    // Reset the lookup
    this.viewModelLookup_ = {};

    // Generate view models
    this.data_.each(function(dataModel) {
      var viewModel = this.createViewModel_(dataModel);

      this.viewModelLookup_[dataModel.cid] = viewModel;

    }, this);

    // Reset the view collection

   * Create a view model, associated with
   * a specified data model.
   * @param {aeris.Model} dataModel
   * @return {aeris.ViewModel}
   * @protected
   * @override
   * @method createViewModel_
  ViewCollection.prototype.createViewModel_ = function(dataModel) {
    return this._prepareModel(undefined, _.defaults({}, this.modelOptions_, {
      data: dataModel

   * @return {aeris.Collection}
   * @method getData
  ViewCollection.prototype.getData = function() {
    return this.data_;

   * @param {Object=} opt_options Options to pass to aeris.Model#fetch.
   * @return {aeris.Promise}
   * @method fetchData
  ViewCollection.prototype.fetchData = function(opt_options) {
    return this.data_.fetch(opt_options);

  return ViewCollection;