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File: ../src/maps/polylines/polyline.js

], function(_, MapExtensionObject, ValidationError, InvalidArgumentError, PolylineStrategy) {
   * A polyline is an array of latLon coordinates
   * renders as a line on the map.
   * @class aeris.maps.polylines.Polyline
   * @extends aeris.maps.MapExtensionObject
   * @constructor
   * @override
  var Polyline = function(opt_attrs, opt_options) {
    var options = _.defaults(opt_options || {}, {
      strategy: PolylineStrategy

    var attrs = _.defaults(opt_attrs || {}, {
       * An array of latLon coordinates
       * @attribute path
       * @type {aeris.maps.Path}
      path: [],

       * The color of the rendered path.
       * @attribute strokeColor
       * @type {string}
      strokeColor: '#4d90fe',

       * The width of the rendered path,
       * in pixels.
       * @attribute strokeWeight
       * @type {number}
      strokeWeight: 2,

       * The opacity of the rendered path.
       * @attribute strokeOpacity
       * @type {number} Between 0 and 1.0.
      strokeOpacity: 1

     * @event click
     * @param {aeris.maps.LatLon} latLat Clicked coordinate.
     * @param {aeris.maps.polylines.Polyline} polyline
     */, attrs, options);
  _.inherits(Polyline, MapExtensionObject);

   * @method validate
  Polyline.prototype.validate = function(attrs) {
    // Path
    if (
      !_.isArray(attrs.path) ||
      (attrs.path.length && !_.isArray(attrs.path[0]))
    ) {
      throw new ValidationError('path', attrs.path + ' is not a valid polyline path.');

   * @param {aeris.maps.Path} path
   * @method setPath
  Polyline.prototype.setPath = function(path) {
    this.set('path', path, { validate: true });

   * @return {Bolean}
   * @method hasPath
  Polyline.prototype.hasPath = function() {
    return !!this.get('path') && !!this.get('path').length;

   * @param {string} color
   * @method setStrokeColor
  Polyline.prototype.setStrokeColor = function(color) {
    this.set('strokeColor', color, { validate: true });

   * @param {number} opacity
   * @method setStrokeOpacity
  Polyline.prototype.setStrokeOpacity = function(opacity) {
    this.set('strokeColor', opacity, { validate: true });

   * @param {number} weight
   * @method setStrokeWeight
  Polyline.prototype.setStrokeWeight = function(weight) {
    this.set('strokeWeight', weight, { validate: true });

   * Set style attributes on the polyline.
   * @throws {aeris.errors.InvalidArgumentError}
   *         If attempting to set attributes which are not styles.
   * @param {Object} styles
   * @method setStyles
  Polyline.prototype.setStyles = function(styles) {

    this.set(styles, { validate: true });

   * Validate that styles object contains
   * only style attributes.
   * @throws {aeris.errors.InvalidArgumentError}
   * @param {Object} styles
   * @private
   * @method validateIsStylesAttrs_
  Polyline.prototype.validateIsStylesAttrs_ = function(styles) {
    var unauthorizedStyles;
    var attemptedAttributes;
    var authorizedAttributes = [

    try {
      attemptedAttributes = _.keys(styles);
      unauthorizedStyles = _.difference(attemptedAttributes, authorizedAttributes);
    catch (e) {
      if (e instanceof TypeError) {
        throw new InvalidArgumentError('Expected ' + styles + ' to be an attributes object');
      else { throw e; }

    if (unauthorizedStyles.length || !_.isPlainObject(styles)) {
      throw new InvalidArgumentError('Unable to style polyline: invalid style ' +
        'attributes: ' + unauthorizedStyles.join(', ') + '.');

  return _.expose(Polyline, 'aeris.maps.polylines.Polyline');