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File: ../src/maps/gmaps/layers/tile.js

], function(_, AbstractMapTypeStrategy, ImageMapType, gmaps) {
   * @class aeris.maps.gmaps.layers.TileLayerStrategy
   * @extends aeris.maps.gmaps.layers.AbstractMapTypeStrategy
   * @constructor
   * @param {aeris.maps.layers.AbstractTile} layer
  var TileLayerStrategy = function(layer, opt_options) {
    var options = _.extend({
      MapType: ImageMapType
    }, opt_options);

    this.MapType_ = options.MapType;

    AbstractMapTypeStrategy.apply(this, arguments);

    this.listenTo(this.object_, {
      'change:opacity': this.updateOpacity,
      'change:zIndex map:set': this.updateZIndex_
    }, this);

  _.inherits(TileLayerStrategy, AbstractMapTypeStrategy);

   * @method createView_
  TileLayerStrategy.prototype.createView_ = function() {
    return new this.MapType_({
      getTileUrl: _.bind(this.getUrl_, this),
      tileSize: new gmaps.Size(256, 256),
      minZoom: this.object_.get('minZoom'),
      maxZoom: this.object_.get('maxZoom'),
      name: this.object_.get('name') || 'Aeris Weather Layer',
      opacity: this.object_.get('opacity'),
      zIndex: this.object_.get('zIndex')

  TileLayerStrategy.prototype.delegateMapEvents_ = function() {
    this.googleEvents_.listenTo(this.mapView_, 'bounds_changed', _.throttle(function() {

      // If we're already all loaded,
      // trigger load immediately
      // (eg, if bounds changed a little, but no new tiles need to load)
      if (this.view_.isLoaded()) {
    }, 500), this);

    this.googleEvents_.listenTo(this.getView(), 'load', function() {
    }, this);

    AbstractMapTypeStrategy.prototype.delegateMapEvents_.apply(this, arguments);

   * Method called by google, to
   * retreive the url for a tile at a
   * given map coordinate and zoom level.
   * @param {google.maps.Point} coord
   * @param {number} zoom Zoom level.
   * @return {string} Tile image url.
   * @private
   * @method getUrl_
  TileLayerStrategy.prototype.getUrl_ = function(coord, zoom) {
    var url;
    var zfactor = this.object_.zoomFactor(zoom);
    var subdomain = this.object_.getRandomSubdomain();

    url = this.object_.getUrl();
    url = url.replace(/\{d\}/, subdomain)
      .replace(/\{z\}/, zfactor)
      .replace(/\{x\}/, coord.x)
      .replace(/\{y\}/, coord.y);

    return url;

   * Set the opacity of the layer
   * @method updateOpacity
  TileLayerStrategy.prototype.updateOpacity = function() {
    var opacity = this.object_.get('opacity');

  TileLayerStrategy.prototype.updateZIndex_ = function() {
    var zIndex = this.object_.get('zIndex');

  return TileLayerStrategy;