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File: ../src/maps/extensions/strategyobject.js

], function(_, Events, Promise, InvalidArgumentError) {
   * An object bound to a strategy.
   * @class aeris.maps.extensions.StrategyObject
   * @constructor
   * @param {Object=} opt_options
   * @param {function():aeris.maps.AbstractStrategy} opt_options.strategy
   *        The constructor for a {aeris.maps.AbstractStrategy} object.
  var StrategyObject = function(opt_options) {
    var options = _.defaults(opt_options || {}, {
      strategy: null

     * The strategy used to interact
     * with the map view.
     * @property strategy_
     * @type {?aeris.maps.AbstractStrategy}
     * @protected
    this.strategy_ = null;

     * @property StrategyType_
     * @private
     * @type {function():aeris.maps.AbstractStrategy}
    this.StrategyType_ = options.strategy;;

    if (!_.isNull(this.StrategyType_)) {

     * When a strategy is set on the object.
     * @event strategy:set
     * @param {aeris.maps.AbstractStrategy} strategy
  _.extend(StrategyObject.prototype, Events.prototype);

   * Set the strategy to use for
   * rendering the StrategyObject.
   * @param {Function} Strategy
   *        Constructor for an {aeris.maps.AbstractStrategy} object.
   * @method setStrategy
  StrategyObject.prototype.setStrategy = function(Strategy) {
    // Clean up any existing strategy
    if (this.strategy_) {

    if (!_.isFunction(Strategy)) {
      throw new InvalidArgumentError('Unable to set StrategyObject strategy: ' +
        'invalid strategy constructor.');

    this.StrategyType_ = Strategy;
    this.strategy_ = this.createStrategy_(Strategy);

    this.trigger('strategy:set', this.strategy_);

   * Create a {aeris.maps.AbstractStrategy} instance.
   * Override to adjust how strategy objects are
   * instantiated.
   * @protected
   * @param {Function} Strategy AbstractStrategy object ctor.
   * @return {aeris.maps.AbstractStrategy}
   * @method createStrategy_
  StrategyObject.prototype.createStrategy_ = function(Strategy) {
    return new Strategy(this);

   * Remove and clean up the StrategyObject's strategy.
   * @method removeStrategy
  StrategyObject.prototype.removeStrategy = function() {
    if (!this.strategy_) {

    this.strategy_ = null;

   * Reset the rendering strategy used by the
   * object. Useful for re-enabled a strategy which has
   * previously been removed with StrategyObject#removeStrategy
   * @method resetStrategy
  StrategyObject.prototype.resetStrategy = function() {
    if (!this.StrategyType_) {
      throw new Error('Unable to reset strategy: no strategy has yet been defined');


  return StrategyObject;