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File: ../src/api/params/models/filter.js

], function(_, BaseModel, ValidationError, Operator) {
   * Represents a single filter applied
   * to a request to the Aeris API.
   * @class aeris.api.params.models.Filter
   * @extends aeris.Model
   * @param {Object=} opt_options
   * @constructor
  var Filter = function(opt_attrs, opt_options) {
     * The name of the filter.
     * @attribute name
     * Operator to use when querying with multiple filters.
     * Note that the filter operator will be used
     * before the filter name. Advanced order-of-operations
     * in filter operators is not currently supported.
     * @attribute operator
     * @type {aeris.api.Operator}
     * @default {aeris.api.Operator.AND}
    var attrs = _.extend({
      operator: Operator.AND
    }, opt_attrs);

    var options = _.defaults(opt_options || {}, {
      idAttribute: 'name'
    });, attrs, options);

    // Validate when added to a collection
    this.listenTo(this, 'add', function() { this.isValid() });
  _.inherits(Filter, BaseModel);

   * @method validate
  Filter.prototype.validate = function(attrs) {
    // Validate operator
    if ([Operator.AND, Operator.OR].indexOf(attrs.operator) === -1) {
      return new ValidationError('Operator', 'Must be an aeris.api.Operator.');

   * @method isOr
   * @return {Boolean} Filter's operator is 'OR'.
  Filter.prototype.isOr = function() {
    return this.get('operator') === Operator.OR;

   * @method isAnd
   * @return {Boolean} Filter's operator is 'AND'.
  Filter.prototype.isAnd = function() {
    return this.get('operator') === Operator.AND;

  return _.expose(Filter, 'aeris.api.params.models.Filter');